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Before School and After-School Clubs

Harbinger pirate ship
After-School Clubs

Since Covid, we have resumed running a range of after-school clubs. If you are interested in your child joining any clubs, please complete the form sent by the school. Clubs include:

Gracey Gems After-School Childcare Provision Club




















Telephone: 07502 570565




Gracey Gem will need the following details:

  • Parent Name

  • Parent mobile number

  • Parents email address

  • Number of children

  • Children's ages

  • When you would like your child/children to start  

Gracey Gem will then send you the appropriate information in due course.

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After-School Clubs

Each term, some of our Subject Leaders run clubs linked to their subject. Below are some of the clubs we have run (subject to availability). Speak to the school for more details.

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Netball Club
Chess Club
Math Exercises
Maths Club
Ping Pong
Table Tennis Club
Test Tubes
Science Club
Guitar Player Performing
Singing Club
Football Club
Art Class
Art Club
Coding Club
Gymnastics Club
Tennis Racket
Tennis Club
Breakfast Club

From 8:00 – 9:00am each morning we run a breakfast club for children who need to arrive early. Cereal, fruit, toast and milk are provided. There is a charge of £1 for children in Years 1 to 6 and £4 for children in Nursery and Reception. Pupils need to be registered in advance, more details are available from the school office.


Please ensure your children do not arrive at school prior to 8:45am, the gates are locked and they will not be able to gain access to the school unless attending Breakfast Club.

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Jeanette and Jackie run our Breakfast Club


What We Ask Of Parents/Carers

We all have a social responsibility to fight this pandemic.

In school, we seek to undertake extensive risk assessment, in order to reduce the risks of transmission as much as possible, recognising that we cannot eliminate risk completely.

In partnership with us, we need you to be responsible for the following:

  1. To avoid bringing your child to school if they are unwell. There are symptoms that we know to look out for (high temperature, persistent cough, loss of taste and smell), however this virus can present itself in other ways too. You know your children better than anyone and you know if they are ‘off colour’. Showing social responsibility towards others by avoiding bringing children into school who are becoming unwell, is an essential part to play in helping us to fight this pandemic together.

  2. Checking your child’s temperature at home, after they have woken up in the morning, before bringing them into school, will be really helpful, to inform decisions you make regarding bringing them to school.

  3. Make sure that your child does not bring anything into school with them other than a water bottle or pack lunch with their name on, if they so wish. Everything they need in school will be here for them. We do not want any unnecessary items coming in to school from home at this time. Children may bring coats, hats and lunch boxes if they are needed.

School Entry

Children can be dropped off from 8:00am each morning. Children should enter the school by ringing the buzzer and coming through the small black gate to the school office. Children will then make their way up to the Breakfast Club room off the Bottom Hall. EYU/KS1 children will be accompanied by a member of staff.  

During Breakfast Club

Whilst in the club, children will sit with other children from their class bubbles. Each 'Bubble' will have their own set of resources to enjoy. Children will have the chance to eat breakfast, catch up on homework, play or generally relax before the start of the school day. The staff will supervise the children from a safe distance since we need to minimise contact between and across bubbles.

Start of the school day time

The school currently has a staggered start time for children. We ask that children arrive during a 15 minutes time slot.  Children at Breakfast Club will be sent to their classroom at the beginning of their class 15 minute window- see times below. EYU/KS1 children will be escorted by a school adult to their classroom.

  • All year groups - 8.45am– lessons start at 9.00am


  • Staff will be routinely ensuring children are washing their hands i.e. on arrival into school; before and after eating; after going to the toilets; after coughing or sneezing onto their hands.

  • Cleaning materials and hand hygiene products including handwash and paper hand towels will be available in the hall.

  • Staff will ensure that the Middle Hall is kept well-ventilated, by opening doors and windows.

  • Each class group will have its own set of resources for Breakfast Club.

  • All tables/plates/dishes etc will be cleaned thoroughly each day.


  • There will be two members of staff present at Breakfast Club to supervise children.

  • There will be two First aiders present.

  • The Head of School will be on-site every day.

  • There will be a Designated Safeguarding Lead on-site every day.


  • Breakfast club payments need to be paid through Parent Pay your child will already have been given log in/username details.

  • Parents can log into the account select the ‘Breakfast Club’ tab and top up on a daily/week/monthly basis.​

  • If parents you have any are difficulties accessing your account please let the school office know and we can reset.




"Pupils can take part in a range of clubs in the school. These include chess, computing and a variety of sports clubs."

- Ofsted, 2023

© Copyright 2019 by Harbinger Primary School 2021. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Contact Us


Tel: 020 7987 1924

Fax: 020 7538 8966

Harbinger Primary School

Cahir Street

London E14 3QP

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