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The curriculum at Harbinger is underpinned by our school vision, values and curriculum drivers.



















We intend to teach and equip children with the knowledge and skills that they need in order to take advantage of opportunities, responsibilities and experiences, both for the present and for the future.


We want our children to:

  • Experience high standards of learning and teaching so they develop as purposeful, independent and creative learners.

  • Feel safe and inspired.

  • Demonstrate mutual respect and co-operate well with others.

  • Relish challenge and be resilient.

  • Stay curious and marvel at the wonder of the world

  • Be enthusiastic to learn and motivated to achieve highly.

  • Be reflective on their progress.

  • Value their own success.


As we implement the curriculum:


  • We will ensure we deliver full coverage of the curriculum of subject knowledge.

  • Find creative ways to enable pupils to handle and absorb core knowledge.

  • Give pupils the opportunity to revisit and recall knowledge – in thoughtful and engaging ways.

  • Clarify technical terms and check pupil understanding regularly.

  • Give pupils repeated opportunities to engage with content.

  • Supplement the curriculum with enrichment opportunities, including trips, visitors and participation in events.





In this year especially, we plan to deploy resources to maximise the learning for our children. Below are the strands of work that we will be focusing on and where we ask parents to help us:































"Leaders have designed an ambitious curriculum for all pupils, including pupils with SEND."

- Ofsted, 2023

© Copyright 2019 by Harbinger Primary School 2021. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Contact Us


Tel: 020 7987 1924

Fax: 020 7538 8966

Harbinger Primary School

Cahir Street

London E14 3QP

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