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Curriculum Design

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At Harbinger, we have developed a curriculum that is broad and balanced. Our curriculum not only covers the National Curriculum but is unique to our school as it reflects our community and the life skills and experiences we prioritise and prepare our pupils during their time at Harbinger. As such, our curriculum evolves in response to the reality of our school's context.





  • The core subjects of English, Maths, Reading and Phonics are taught daily; the 'wider curriculum' subjects are taught weekly.

  • Every half term, children will learn a new topic in each of the wider curriculum subjects.

  • As each half term is usually 6-7 weeks long, there will be 6-7 lessons for each of the wider curriculum subjects. 

  • The National Curriculum outlines the top-level outcomes of a subject - the overall skills and knowledge required by the end of the year/key stage for every subject.

  • At Harbinger, subject leaders have designed, ordered and planned the sequence of lessons and what must be taught and learnt in each lesson (the 'components') which build towards the 'composite' or 'end goal' of the topic.





Click on the subjects below to find out more about:​

How is the curriculum organised?

The curriculum in more detail


"Leaders ensure that the curriculum is designed to build pupils’ knowledge over time."

- Ofsted, 2023

© Copyright 2019 by Harbinger Primary School 2021. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Contact Us


Tel: 020 7987 1924

Fax: 020 7538 8966

Harbinger Primary School

Cahir Street

London E14 3QP

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