School Meals

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Nursery School Meals
Children in Nursery are not entitled to free meals. School meals are charged at £1.90 per day and are payable to the School Office (for cash and cheque payments) or online (for credit and debit card payments) using our using our ParentPay service. Please contact the school office to set up your secure Parent Pay account. The expectation is that meals should be paid for in advance of having them.
Reception - Year 6 School Meals
Children in Reception through to Year 6 are entitled to free meals. They will be eligible for one of two schemes: Mayors Free School Meals or Statutory Free School Meals.
Please read the information below to ensure your child receives the free meal which is most beneficial for you and the school.
Mayors Free School Meals
For children in Reception through to Year 6;
Parents do not need to make any application or complete any paperwork;
Mayors Free school meals is not guaranteed to continue into the next academic year;
The school only receives funding to cover the cost of the school meal.
Statutory Free School Meals
Parents must make an application for Statutory Free School Meals – forms are available at the school office or you can call the benefits section on 0207 364 5001;
Parents entitled to Statutory Free School Meals will also be entitled to half price Breakfast Club, possible reductions on School Trip fees and other benefits from the council;
Free meals will be ongoing unless there is a change in the household income – only one application needs to be made;
The school receives additional funding for each child entitled to Statutory Free School Meals – this funding is essential and is used for learning resources and support for learning.
Who is entitled to Statutory Free School Meals?
Under current legislation, they are available to children attending schools within Tower Hamlets whose parents (or guardians) receive any of the following support may be entitled to receive free school meals:
receiving income support
receiving income-based jobseeker’s allowance
receiving the guarantee credit of pension credit
receiving income-related employment and support allowance
in receipt of support from NASS (national Asylum Support Service)
have an income, as assessed by the Inland Revenue, of less than £15,190 a year (this is called the threshold amount) and who do not get working tax credit but do get child tax credit
Please note you do not have to be claiming housing benefit or council tax benefit in order to make a claim for free school meals for your dependent children.
You can complete an application form online.
If you would like any help with a Statutory Free School Meals query or completing your application please visit the School Office where we will be happy to help you.
Useful Links
"Children express their thoughts clearly and communicate with each other enthusiastically as they learn."
- Ofsted, 2019