
What is 'Oracy'?
Oracy is defined as “the ability to speak eloquently, articulate ideas and thoughts and influence through talking, collaborate with peers, and have confidence to express views”​
There are 4 elements to oracy: Physical, linguistic, cognitive, and social & emotional:

Fiona Keogh
Oracy Lead

Sudhir Saseed Haran
Link Governor
What is 'Oracy'?
It is important we plan various and multiple opportunities for children to practice and develop their oracy skills.
• As a class, we generate discussion guidelines together which guide and prompt children.
• We explore and plan for different approaches to discussions (roles and configurations).
• We use Destination Reader sentence stems.
• We use sentence stems in classes, providing progression i.e. Alan Peat sentences and Tower Hamlets Progression in Language Structures.
• As role models, we set high expectations of spoken language and model these to children.
• We plan stand-alone oracy lessons.
• We encourage pupil voice i.e. show and tell; buddy readers; pupil meetings; speaking in assemblies; meeting with visitors; Dragons’ Den; Poetry Slam.
At Harbinger, we are proud to announce we have received the Bronze Award for Oracy!
We will share more details here of the work we plan to do to continue on the Oracy Project.
Presentational Talk Opportunities

Talk Tuesday Discussion Assemblies