Provision Maps
Whole School Provision Map
At Harbinger, we make provision for pupils with communication and interaction needs, cognition and learning, children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties and children with sensory and/or physical needs through a variety of interventions.
We know that some pupils will have difficulties in more than one of these areas and we will always do our best to meet their needs. All children in school have support within lessons through differentiation and quality first teaching strategies. This means that activities are planned according to the level the child is working at. This can include a variety of adaptions including reasonable changes to the physical environment, changes to teaching styles, resources, scaffolding as well as levels of adult support.
Each class teacher plans for provision within their class through intervention planning each half term. The progress within those interventions is monitored through termly pupil progress meetings with the class teacher and SLT team in collaboration with the SENDCo and this is reported to governors.
Wave 1 Inclusive quality first teaching for all
Good quality, inclusive teaching which takes into account the learning needs of all the children in the classroom. This includes providing differentiated work and creating an inclusive learning environment.
Wave 1 examples:
Differentiated curriculum
Differentiated delivery e.g. simplified language, slower pace
Differentiated outcomes e.g. success criteria
Adapted visual aids, modelling
Use of writing frames etc.
Wave 2 Additional interventions to enable children to work at age-related expectations or above
Specific, additional and time-limited interventions provided for some children who are falling behind the age expected level – often targeted at a group of pupils with similar needs. Classroom intervention (catch-up)
Wave 2 examples:
In class TA literacy and numeracy support
No nonsense number facts interventions
Small group – withdrawal to work in a different room
Multi-sensory spelling practice groups
Differentiated resources
Adult modelling and group interventions
Wave 3 Additional highly personalised interventions
Targeted provision for a small percentage of children who either require a high level of additional support/specialised provision in order to address their needs or children who have been identified for an intervention designed to accelerate progress. Additional to and different from, 1:1/small group time provision
Wave 3 examples:
Individual literacy, phonic programme
Daily supported reading sessions
Attention for Autism
Sensory circuit
Language bag
Additional planning and individual arrangements for transition
Individual arrangements for SATs

"Systems to support behaviour are carefully designed to support pupils in the school."
- Ofsted, 2023