Reporting to Parents

We believe it is very important to have good communication between home and school, allowing opportunities to discuss children’s learning, behaviour and well-being.
Contact with your child’s teacher
Class teachers will often be available at the end of every school day to speak with parents and carers, and this is a good time to ask questions or pass on information. Please ask for an appointment with the class teacher or member of the senior leadership team if you wish to have a lengthier discussion.
Parent-Teacher Consultations
In the autumn and spring terms, parents and carers are invited to attend Parent Consultations. This is an important opportunity to view your child’s work and discuss their attainment, progress and personal targets with the class teacher. We try to provide interpreters where required and are as accommodating as possible with the dates and times we offer, so please ask for an alternative appointment if you are unable to attend.
Annual Reports
In the summer term, you will receive a written Annual Report detailing your child’s performance in all aspects of the curriculum, as well as their personal and social development. The child is asked to contribute to this, and we welcome parental comments.
Pupils with Additional Needs
Parents of pupils who have a Statement of Educational Needs or an Education Health Care Plan will be invited to an Annual Review meeting. Carers of Looked After Children (those in the care of the Local Authority) will be invited to termly meetings to discuss the child’s Personal Education Plan (PEP).
"Leaders provide opportunities for pupils to learn about what is right and wrong"
- Ofsted, 2019