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School Council

We are happy to announce our new School Councillors!

  • Year 1 & 2 Diamond - Zahra & Kai

  • Year 1 Emerald - Niyah & Ayman

  • Year 2 Sapphire - Abyan & Anna

  • Year 3 Jade - Everett & Sameera

  • Year 3 & 4 Ruby - Nyla & Tom

  • Year 4 Jet - Anas & Suhana

  • Year 5 & 6 Opal - Yusra & Saira

  • Year 5 Turquoise - Amaaya & Yasin

  • Year 6 Amber - Abrar & Gaia

They unanimously said they all want to help other children and work to make improvements in school.







Below are some of the latest events the School Council have been involved in:

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Pupil Parliament

Year 3/4 teacher Luke and the School Councillors attended the Isle of Dogs Pupil Parliament, held at St Luke's Primary School. The meeting was attended by representatives from 7 schools across the island and was an opportunity to meet face-to-face and discuss key issues in out local areas.


Luke said "When meeting with other School Councils at the IOD Pupil Parliament meeting, they represented Harbinger so well. They were confident when sharing ideas, spoke really well, great at listening to others and were really passionate about the issues discussed. Adyan was the nominated speaker for his table and confidently spoke at length to the whole group."


"Early years leaders enable children to develop their language skills swiftly."

- Ofsted, 2019

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Contact Us


Tel: 020 7987 1924

Fax: 020 7538 8966

Harbinger Primary School

Cahir Street

London E14 3QP

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