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Vision, Values and Drivers

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Our Vision


Our vision is to strive for high standards of learning and teaching for our children in a safe and inspiring environment. We work together so that mutual respect and co-operation can flourish and problem-solve to overcome potential barriers. We work in partnership with families and the wider school communities, to ensure individual needs are met. 


We aim to create an educational community where all children develop as:


  • successful and reflective learners who have a positive attitude and commitment to learning, make progress and achieve.

  • confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives, demonstrating resilience, responsibility and resourcefulness.

  • enthusiastic and responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.


Our Values​






Our core values drive our commitment to everybody achieving the best possible outcomes for themselves, engaging with learning, valuing the role we each play and taking pride in our school:

  • Learning: An entitlement to relevant and purposeful learning, high expectations and outcomes, widening horizons and raising aspirations.

  • Well-Being: An ethos of personal development and emotional intelligence, excellent care and guidance, intrinsic motivation to discover routes to happiness and success.

  • Togetherness: An environment founded on equality and inclusion, rights and responsibilities, an awareness of belonging to our immediate and global communities.




Our Drivers

As part of our new school curriculum, we have identified three 'Curriculum Drivers' linked closely to our school values. These drivers are areas we aim to support our children in, to further enhance the exciting and engaging learning opportunities that our pupils enjoy everyday. 
























  • Raising aspiration and ambition - We have designed an ambitious curriculum and we are setting high expectations for children so that they challenge themselves. We want an aspirational curriculum for all. Subject leaders plan for an enriched curriculum, supplemented by trips, visitors, workshops and clubs. 

  • Healthy living, healthy choices - We want our children to be mindful of the choices they make which have an impact on their physical and emotional health. At Harbinger, we nurture the children’s emotional intelligence and explore growth mindset. Healthy lifestyles are woven through subjects such as PSHE, PE, Science and Computing online safety, for example, as well as the restorative practise approach we have adopted as part of our new Behaviour Policy. 

  • Valuing inclusivity and diversity - We are fortunate to be located in a diverse and cosmopolitan city. We want our children to learn more about their local area as well as broaden their horizons and develop their knowledge and understanding of other communities – locally, nationally and globally - and learn about and from others, showing curiosity and demonstrating respect towards others.




"Pupils feel a strong sense of community. They are happy, safe and feel valued."

- Ofsted, 2023

© Copyright 2019 by Harbinger Primary School 2021. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Contact Us


Tel: 020 7987 1924

Fax: 020 7538 8966

Harbinger Primary School

Cahir Street

London E14 3QP

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