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Every Mind Matters


At Harbinger School, we believe when children succeed in the moment, they are able to create templates / experiences they can refer to at any time in their lives and especially when they leave school.


We help students understand the wider implications of negative attitudes and choices, allowing them to find solutions to issues they may face now and in the future. 


Our staff put mindfulness at the heart of our curriculum, teaching the children how to develop a better relationship with themselves and in turn others. We believe if children feel safe, they can take risks, ask questions, make mistakes, learn to trust, share their feelings, and grow. We provide a broad and balanced education allowing for the individual needs of each child to be met and all the staff at Harbinger are therefore committed to ensuring the positive mental health and well-being of all the children. 


How do we do this














Mental Health First Aiders


​At Harbinger, we have 5 accredited Mental Health First Aiders who have been equipped with the skills
needed to support their own and others’ well-being. They have been trained to:


·     notice the signs of mental ill health

·     break down barriers and listen in a non-judgemental way

·     signpost children and parents to relevant support 

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Zones of Regulation​


​Zones of Regulation is a strategy that we use with children 1:1, in small groups or as a whole class. It teaches children about the emotions and how they might feel when experiencing different emotions. Then children choose strategies (tools) to keep in their ‘toolkit’ to draw on when necessary, for example if they are worried they might count to 10 slowly in their heads.


All our staff have been trained in using Zones of regulation to support children to regulate their emotions.

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Learning Mentor


​We are fortunate to have Azmina as our Learning Mentor who has been at Harbinger for over 15 years now. She is able to support our pupils in small groups and on an individual level, if needed. Azmina uses a range of strategies and therapeutic support and works closely with Jubeda (our SENCo) to identify, plan and deliver the most appropriate type of support for each child.


Azmina Vaid

Learning Mentor




For any further information on any of our social, emotional and mental health provision please contact our SENCO, Jubeda Ahmed, via the school office or talk to your child’s Class Teacher.


Jubeda Ahmed

"Leaders have developed a carefully designed personal development programme."

- Ofsted, 2023

© Copyright 2019 by Harbinger Primary School 2021. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Contact Us


Tel: 020 7987 1924

Fax: 020 7538 8966

Harbinger Primary School

Cahir Street

London E14 3QP

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