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Wider Curriculum

At Harbinger, we have developed a curriculum that is broad and balanced and unique to the school context of Harbinger. With our school values in mind, we have identified three curriculum drivers which underpin the choices and decisions we make in our curriculum and will drive change as we deliver our curriculum to our children.


Read our Wider Curriculum below to learn more out the coverage in each Wider Curriculum subject and the end points for each unit of work:

"Leaders’ curricular thinking has improved considerably, including in mathematics. This means that pupils’ knowledge and understanding across the curriculum is strong."

- Ofsted, 2023

© Copyright 2019 by Harbinger Primary School 2021. Proudly created by Clever ICT LTD

Contact Us


Tel: 020 7987 1924

Fax: 020 7538 8966

Harbinger Primary School

Cahir Street

London E14 3QP

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